- Water evergreens during dry seasons
- Apply anti desiccants to broadleaf evergreens where needed such as Hollies, Southern Magnolias, Rhododendrons, and Azaleas
- Inspect trees for structural pruning and defects by an arborist
- Remove hard to access trees or shrubs while ground is frozen
- Keep firewood dry and 6 inches off the ground
- Transplant trees and shrubs in late winter
- Rejuvenate shrubs late winter
- Plant large shade trees in late winter
- Prune dead, broken and diseased limbs from trees
- Prune flowering trees before flowering in early spring
- Dormant oil spray applied to trees to control scale and insect egg masses
- Fungicide sprays applied to susceptible trees and shrubs
- Rejuvenate shrubs in early spring
- Deep-root fertilizes trees and shrubs
- Inspect trees and shrubs for insect activity and apply appropriate control
- Plant new trees thru May 31st
- Mulch trees/shrubs and beds
- Divide and transplant perennials and ornamental grasses
- Water evergreens if spring is dry
- Prune dead limbs from trees (avoid pruning Oaks and Elms mid-June to August)
- Trim and shape evergreen hedges on individual specimens
- Prune flowering shrubs as needed
- Inspect trees and shrubs for insect activity and apply appropriate control
- Water trees, shrubs, evergreens and flower beds during dry periods
- Renovate lawn where needed August – early September
- Prune dead, broken and diseased limbs from trees and shrubs
- Deep-root fertilize shade trees
- Remove any dead trees/shrubs or overgrown plants
- Fertilize perennial beds
- Prune Roses and over winter with mulch
- Plant large shade trees and shrubs (usually late fall)